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In these presentations, graduate students discuss their research at an appropriate level for the students. We have a broad range of expertise among our members. A few of the topics that can be presented include: the developing brain, early life adversity, exercise, vision, music, and learning.


Teachers can browse brief descriptions of our members' research interests and choose the graduate student, who will present and lead a Q&A for the class.


Lauren Granata


What's in a cry? Early life adversity 



Nicole Logan


Effects of obesity and exercise on cognitive and brain health


Leticia Angelini


Pigment Pulcherrimin in Biofilms of the Bacterium Bacillus Subtilis



Sex differences in post-traumatic stress disorder



Morgan Packer


Cancer on an atomic level: X-Ray and Ras Raf Allostery​


Shanyu Kates​


Gratitude in psychology​




Grace Reed​


Diversity of Diasotrophs​




Frank Servello


How the brain controls aging​



Kelsea Gildawie


Lighting up the brain: How experience changes brian structure


Maddie Morrissette

The scoop on poop: Chronic Lyme Disease & therapeutics


Julia Mitchell​


Sex differences in associative fear learning in rodents


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